Austrian Climate Research Programme (ACRP) – 17th Call


Deadline: 12.12.2024, 12:00

For projects of oriented basic research.

The Austrian Climate Research Programme (ACRP) focuses on research on climate change and climate actions, adaptation, mitigation and their mutual interrelation. The intent is to provide scientific back- ground for the implementation of the Austrian strategy for adaptation to climate change, the National Energy and Climate Plan (NEKP) and the Paris Agreement. The programme is managed by the FFG.

"Oriented basic research" is carried out with the expectation that it will produce a broad base of knowledge likely to form the background to the solution of recognised or expected current or future problems or open up new possibilities.

Funding Area

Projects of oriented basic research are funded in the following three thematic areas:

  •     Understanding the climate system and consequences of climate change
  •     Specific support for Austria’s policymakers
  •     Transformative change

Duration and amount of funding

  • Maximum duration is 36 months.
  • The amount of funding is between a minimum 60.000 EUR up to maximum 350.000 EUR.


12.12.2024, 12:00