- AXA Research Fund
- Allen Foundation, Inc.
- ASPEN Rhoads Research Foundation
- European Green Belt Initative
- Fondation BNP-ParibasFondation BNP-Paribas
- FWF Herzfelder Foundation
- Hochschuljubiläumsfonds der Stadt Wien
- John Templeton Foundation
- Leakey Foundation
- Max Kade Foundation
- Peter und Traudl Engelhorn Stiftung
- Simons Foundation
- Wilhelm Doerenkamp-Foundation
Austrian Association of Molecular Life Sciences and Biotechnology (ÖGMBT)
Austrian Award for Microbiology
Award of the Dr. Maria Schaumayer Foundation
Felix Wankel Animal Welfare Research Award
Förderungspreis der Stadt Wien
Forschungspreise des Landes Steiermark
Friedrich-Wilhelm-Bessel Preis
GAIA (Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society) Masters Student Paper Award
Hans Adolf Krebs Award of the German Nutritional Society
Kardinal Innitzer Studienfonds
Klar-Text Preis für Wissenschaftskommunikation
Land Niederösterreich - Wissenschaftspreise
Natural Forest Award (Naturwald-Preis)
Science & SciLifeLab Prize for Young Scientists
per Career Stage
Christian-Doppler Gesellschaft
Horizon Europe
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions
- Health
- Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society
- Civil Security for Society
- Digital, Industry and Space
- Climate, Energy and Mobility
- Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment
European Innovation Ecosystems
European Institute of Innovation and Technology
Human Frontier Science Program
University of Vienna
For PhDs:
doc:muv Mentoring-programme for female PhDs
Impact.AwardFor female Postdocs:
postdoc:muv - Mentoring programme for female postdoctoral researchers
Marie Jahoda-GrantFor Senior researchers
Freiräume schaffen [German only]