ERC Advanced Grant 2023 - information workshop


1 Feb 2023, 16:30-18:00

Online, registration needed

ERC panel member and former grantee share their experience with applicants


The ERC Advanced Grant scheme targets active researchers with a track record of significant achievements in the last 10 years, and provides funding for projects up to 5 years with a maximum budget of 2.5 million EUR (in certain cases additional budget can be applied for). ERC Grants operate on a ‘bottom-up’ basis and finance individual Principal Investigators and their teams.

The 2023 call is currently open with a deadline of 23rd May.

During the event, current and prospective applicants will have the opportunity to listen to two invited speakers who will share their experiences: Prof. Andreas Stohl as Panel member and former grantee, and Prof. Ulrike Felt as recent ERC Advanced grantee.

The workshop will be online and in English.