First Train, Then Plane: The FWF Supports Sustainable Travel


More and more researchers are trying to reduce their ecological footprint. Travel plays an important role here, for despite the boom in virtual meetings, trips to international conferences, for example, will still be necessary in the future. The FWF is now placing a stronger focus than hitherto on environmentally conscious mobility: It is expanding funding opportunities for travel by train and offering a carbon offset contribution for unavoidable flights.

The decisions reached at COP 26 go too far for some, and not far enough for others. However, since it ultimately lies in the hands of each and every one of us to make a contribution to climate protection—be it on a personal or institutional level—the FWF is providing further incentives for environmentally conscious travel in its guidelines.   

If in the future virtual project meetings are no longer possible, the FWF is promoting travel by train instead of plane: Any additional costs incurred—whether it be because the train is more expensive or because an additional night stay in a hotel is required—can be funded through the existing project funds. In the case of unavoidable flights, a carbon offset contribution can also be requested in the future as part of the project costs. Researchers can find further information on this in the updated application guidelines, which are now available online.

FWF FAQ on Travel expenses