The John Templeton Foundation is a US-based private foundation funding research projects which are aligned with their six funding areas: Character Virtue & Development, Individual Freedom & Free Markets, Life Sciences, Mathematical & Physical Sciences, Public Engagement, and Religion, Science and Society.
Life Sciences topic areas for 2024:
- Science of purpose. Experimental and theoretical research projects that will provide insight into the purposive, goal-directed, or agential behaviors that characterize organisms and various components of living systems. Researchers who have familiarity with the foundations ongoing work in this area are especially encouraged to apply.
- Epigenetic inheritance. Projects that elucidate fundamental genetic and epigenetic mechanisms that regulate inter- and trans-generational transmittance of biological information and health outcomes. The foundation is particularly interested in how early life choices and environmental exposures causally impact development and the early onset of disease, and diagnostic platforms that may predict generational disease susceptibility.
- Other areas of interest. They also remain open to innovative ideas in other areas of basic research in the biological sciences, such as also origins of life, complexity, emergence, evolution, human development, plant resilience, and ecological health and interventions.
Application Process and Duration
- Two-stage: The first stage begins with an Online Funding Inquiry (OFI) and, if invited, a detailed full proposal has to be submitted in stage two.
- Duration: up to 3 years, in rare instance up to 5 years
- Max. Overhead 15%
- Stage 1: August 16, 2024
- Stage 2: January 17, 2025
Deadlines 2025:
- Stage 1: August 15, 2025
- Stage 2: January 16, 2026